
spring is here

it has been raining since thursday. i think. it's hard to remember when the grey rolled in. But it means flowers and sunny days ahead.

as a self indulgence, i have started going to yoga a couple of times a week. an unnecessary expense, but a much healthier one than the alternatives. Especially this week... eleven work days in a row, six featuring two jobs, and the need for calm and relaxation and a healthy outlet is great.

i went to the flower show with my parents, helen, and ex-house mate becka... wandering around as the crowds thinned on the last day. it's amazing what people make these plants do. there are fall blooming, spring blooming, and summer blooming plants and trees all next to one another, timed so they are all flowering not only at once, but during a time of the year where, in Philadelphia, only the hardiest of snow bells are coming up, and none have bloomed yet. quite miraculous.

i have photos. they will arrive later.

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