
i almost forgot!

WE (our collective beings) BOUGHT A HOUSE!

a big, grand, back-yarded, beautiful, three story house. it has a walk in pantry, a linen closet (to hearing this, my mom laughed and said that she thinks that we are officially grown ups) a many paned glass door between the kitchen and dining room. it has a million windows, and a million ways we will make it the most beautiful house in the world.
there will be four humans and five felines loving this house.
and even though they are super snuggly, kittens can't help do renovations... so work and beer parties will be plentiful..

i can't wait to have pictures of the house. my lovely photo-eyed father is going to get conned into taking before, during, and after photos. for which i can not wait!

my plant-fingered momma is gonna help me plan out the most beautiful, space efficient garden with brick patio. perfect for bbq's and growing foods and medicines and mysterious things.

oooooo. i can't wait.

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