
vacation times

jamaica. 3.7.2011

in front of me there is a very well groomed almond tree, not in season, trimmed just enough so that one sitting on the porch with their feet up (as I am) can see the horizon line. to my left and right extend the porch, made from poured polished cement, painted and adorned with tile floor and covered with a wood latice ceiling... sheilding us from the ambient rain that falls "on the left side of the road while the right side is dry". the lapping of the ocean on the beach is incessent, as is the ambient noice of the main throughway.... read busy two lane road.... with kids hollering, dogs yipping and high pitched car horns sounding from the wrong side of the road.

we have been sitting on the porch, as the sun has been setting to the left just beyond the huge beach-growing gnarly trees, the clouds growing like time lapse photography into moutains with snow capped peaks, hovering what looks like inches above the ocean.

a dozen yards out into the water, small heron like birds with wingtips grazing the water search for dinner. the long legged blueish grey one that has been spending early morning and late evening with us, having found its meal in the low tide exposed rocky coral reaf, has gone home for the night.

so far this has been a little piece of pardise. the vivid colors i never thought could be real, the private beach, the comfort food cooked by a native jamaican....


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