

today... is warm, but not hot, a little damp in the air. rain falling ever so softly on the tree outside my bedroom window.
I slowly woke up this morning, snuggled on all sides by cute kitten, all shade of browns and blacks, mirroring the outdoors.

my plans for today: drink coffee, clean the bathroom, and sew all my clothes that have been piling up. I feel the need for a newly improved wardrobe since it is spring. Yesterday was filled with going to the market to fill the pantry, replacing the ever vanishing-act playing water glasses (from the thrift store) and a few guilty pleasure purchases for myself from the thrift as well.

the house is coming along, we have pictures on the walls, paint on some of them... and the powder room is evolving like a snail trying to cross the atlantic. oi.

after a busy busy last three weeks, I am super excited for the rain... it canceled all of my plans to drive four plus hours looking at horses. At first it was frustrating, and then, a gift. she sure does work in mysterious ways.

maybe this weekend I will tear the town down with a good friend from work....

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